This post is my 30th post. Sorry for the long paused and kept you waiting for my newest post. Today, I went to my school to collect my school books together with my mother and sister. I am under F A S so, today and tomorrow is specially for the students under F A S. My mother ticked the box saying that we want to take the shoes and socks. I am not comfortable with the shoe they gave it to me. I feel like my leg has gotten bigger than before. So, now you know that I am VERY fussy. That is ONE of my TRUE self. But SERIOUSLY, It made my leg look bigger and shorter and it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO making my leg look TOTALLY AWKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But anyway, I am gonna get another pair of shoes that is NOT the same like the one I just mentioned.
I can't believe I'm saying this but............ I can't wait to go back to school!!!!!!!!!!! the only POSSIBLE answer is that I am MISSING my friends and WANT to meet them again. Like Duh!! If not why would I go to school. My best friends are enjoying their holidays by traveling to another country while I am spending it by learning, playing computer, playing laptop\computer, playing PS3. Theirs are SOOOOOO exciting while mine is ALWAYS the same old thing, at home. At least I don't waste money on buying the flight tickets for my WHOLE family(there are ten people in my family including me and my parents). I am feeling SOOOOO very BORED! I am getting more and more and even MORE lazier EVERY SINGLE DAY! I just wish I could have a friend or my own twin sister at my age or a YOUNGER SISTER living with me to keep me occupied every time. How happy am I if that wish came true. *dreaming, dreaming, dreaming* *wake up*
Okay I am done dreaming about having the dream coming true. I am now getting more and more and even more lazier and impatient each day! I don't know which part of me changing?
* thinking, thinking..... then...... GOT IT!* Oh yeah, my personal attitude. Well then, I am SOOOOOOO very TOTALLY feeling HUNGRY! I will be more impatient if I don't eat.
So.............. Goodbye! Take Care♥