Hola! Sorry (again)for the SOO VERY TOTALLY long pause.
These pictures are taken from a very long time ago in December if I'm not mistaken.
Anyway, do you still remember that in my last post, I spoke about my MHA right? Well
guess what?!?! I ACED THE TEST!!!!!! YAYYYYYY!
Anyway, I have my cute little kitty cat by my side. Luckily, oh yea,
Fortunately, there is no homework today!!
And better still.............. this coming friday is.................................. GOOD FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!
You see, there's a reason why this coming friday is called ' GOOD FRIDAY' .
See, the reason is that ONLY FRIDAY is good.
See? It's simple.
Bad news is that I failed my NAPFA test.
I think I need to retake the ' INCLINED pull up ' and ' SIT UP '
At least I only fail my sit ups. I just got an 'E' for the INCLINED pull ups.
My SA1's are drawing nearer and nearer. I really hope
I could get an A's for all of my exams. Well actually, for Mother Tongue I can actually score an A.
Anyway, I've got a game to attend to.
Anyway, I gotta go!
Goodbye now!
Au Revoir!
Take Care♥